Essential Study Materials

At Study Smart Tutors, we understand that having the right resources is crucial for effective learning. Our 'Resources' page offers a plethora of study materials carefully curated to enhance your academic journey. From practice papers to interactive learning tools, we provide resources that cater to different learning styles. We believe that with the right tools, every student can unlock their potential to achieve more, learn smart, and succeed big. Explore our resources and start your path to academic excellence today.

GCSE Exam Board Links

WJEC GCSE: Maths and Sciences

AQA GCSE: Maths, English and Sciences

OCR GCSE: Maths, Science, English

Revision Resources

Maths Genie

Has resources for multiple exam boards for maths . These include: revision notes, practise questions, flashcards and exam practise.


Save My Exams

For multiple subjects and exam boards. Contains revision notes, exam style questions and much more!



Requires a subscription. Contains mock papers and summary videos.



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Join Study Smart Tutors and access a wealth of resources designed to help you excel academically. Whether you need study materials, interactive tools, or personalised tutoring, we have everything to support your learning journey.