Top 3 revision techniques

Published on 14 December 2024 at 18:43

Unsure of where to start with revision? This article aims to introduce and explain 3 of the best revision techniques Study Smart Tutors recommends. Being able to maximise your time in terms of revision as well as maintaining a healthy work balance can be hard.  To make the process of revision easier try some active recall techniques which I will cover further on!

As promised I will be teaching you 3 easy revision techniques : The Feynman Technique , The Pomodoro technique and the 1-2-3 method.

1. The Feynman Technique : also known as 'dumbing' the information down. When revising take your school notes out. Next  organise them into bullet points and label them 1-10 (or one on each flashcard). Now grab a teddy bear / a sibling/ parent - anyone to listen to you talk and teach them your topic. The key thing to remember here is the person your teaching too has no clue about your subject so essentially you must explain it to them in simple terms and then build up to the more complicated content. What this method does is it allows you to verbally deliver your work as well as break down your information precisely so that you can understand it better. 

2. The Pomodoro Technique: This is perhaps my favourite technique out of the three. This technique focuses on time management. Essentially you work for 25 minutes then you take a 5 minute break. The deal is you don't avert your focus for those 25 minutes and then you get a 5 minute break to do whatever it is you wish. You repeat this process 3 more times and at the end you get a 25-30 minute break and start the process all over again. You can download apps to help with this such as Flora which grows digital trees as you study and has an added benefit of keeping you off your phone as if you exit your tree dies. Its also a fun way to interact with your peers as you can add your friends and see their progress and comment on their trees ; adding to your motivation.

3. 1-2-3 method : Last but not least the 1-2-3 method is a more 'basic' one of the three. All you have to do is read and understand your content from class notes , close your book and say / write down all you can remember. You can then compare and highlight the points you missed as those are the ones you may need to focus more on. This helps you affectively revise as you are actively recalling content as well as finding the key specific points you need to go over as opposed to re visiting the whole topic. 

And there you have it our top 3 revision techniques. We also teach these methods and others to our students so they may find a technique that suits them as each child is different!

Written by : Safaa Khan

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