Sometimes it can be overwhelming studying for exams. Often I've had students ask me where to find exam resources- especially the free ones. This blog aims to give students and parents some ideas on where to find resources such as: exam practise, quizzes as well as explanatory videos.

The number 1 website I recommend is your exam board. If you're unsure of which exam board you are ask your subject teachers. It's important to note that for different subjects may have different exam boards depending on your region and school. A quick google search will bring up your specification which you can use as a list of what to revise. As well as the specification your exam board will contain past papers from 2018 onwards which is useful for the weeks leading up to your exams.
As for practise questions , flashcards and notes the two websites I would recommend us : Physics and maths tutor and Maths Genie. Physics and Maths tutor (also known as pmt) separates subjects by exam board as well as contains practise and past paper questions which can be organised by year or topic. Maths Genie is similar in this regard and has the added benefit of compiling predicted papers and mini tests.
Content is usually the hardest to find online but once you have identified your exam board it can be very easy with the right guidance. For science we recommend Free Science Lessons on YouTube as they are short and simple videos lasting no longer then 10 minutes but have all the content you need. Additionally you can invest in UniFrog, use school resources such as maths watch or my maths. Other sources of content can also be textbooks. CGP are our recommended textbook to buy as they summarise content and teach the key points.
Through all of this remember that you MUST revise from your exam board. Check your resources are for the correct exam board or you may find yourself revising content you may not need or missing essential content. In our tutoring lessons we share all our resources via email per lesson and upon request you can also receive your tutors notes from your lessons.
Written by : Zack Adam
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